Friday 6 April 2012


One summer day a grasshopper was singing and chirping and hopping about.  He was having a wonderful time.  He saw an ant who was busy gathering and storing grain for the winter.  bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest
 “Stop doing all this toiling, come and talk to me,” said the grasshopper.   “We can sing some songs and dance a while.”
            “Oh no,” said the ant.  “Winter is coming.  I am storing up food for the winter.  I think you should do the same.”
            “Oh, I can’t be bothered,” said the grasshopper.  “Winter is a long time off.   There is plenty of the present, think of present, only if you can enjoy present than only you will be able to enjoy future”   So the grasshopper continued to dance and sing and chip and the ant continued to work.
 When winter came the grasshopper had no food and was starving.  He went  to the ant’s house and asked, “Can I have some wheat or maybe a few kernels of corn.  Without it I will starve,” whined the grasshopper.
“You danced last summer,” said the ants in disgust.   “You can continue to dance.”  And they gave him no food.Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need. and tried to sale his guitar outside the ant,s nest.
suddenly an idea popped in his head why not to sell his voice instead of guitar, so he knocked at every door to find out is there someone in this great winter who like to sing and dance on his songs and in return of his service he want some food. ants liked the idea and grasshopper started singing  and all ants danced whole winter. this winter became the greatest winter because of grasshopper the musician. he enjoyed his present time into a good work, got mastery over it and by using his brain and skills he earned his food. so, its nothing bad to be a grasshopper, grasshopper enjoyed both his present and future , but only involving in good work. grasshopper intervined his skill and enterpreneurship and ran into a buisness, today he trained several  animal in music and dance.



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